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Install & Configure PHP


If not included as part of the initial Linux installation, install the following PHP RPM packages and any dependencies listed by yum:


Additionally the following PEAR (PHP Extension and Application Repository) modules must be installed. A few will already be installed via RPM, some will need updating/installing via pear:

To install & upgrade required PEAR modules, use the following procedure:

IMPORTANT: Ignore the warnings about deprecated versions of HTML_Common, HTML_QuickForm & HTTP. These packages will be upgraded in a future release of ReadingRecord.


Increase PHP's maximum execution time by changing the following value in '/etc/php.ini':

; Resource Limits ;

max_execution_time = 60     ; Maximum execution time of each script, in seconds

Note: For large sites, some reports can exceed the default maximum execution time of 30 seconds. This will (hopefully) be corrected in a future release of ReadingRecord.

Security Considerations

The following are optional, but recommended, steps to help improve the security of your ReadingRecord server.

Disable PHP's 'expose_php' setting. Although the comment indicates it is not a security threat, it may be possible for an attacker to probe for weaknesses in PHP by knowing the installed version. Plus if your library is routinely subject to security audits you will often get dinged for leaving this enabled.


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