Table of Contents

Database schema information

Here you will find information about the databases, tables & columns (fields) used by ReadingRecord.

Config database

The config database contains ReadingRecord configuration settings for a specific site (library):

The config database has 3 tables:

ReadingRecord uses one config database per site (library). In general, the config database is named using part or all of the hostname portion of the URL. For example, if the URL is '', the config database would be 'wpl_config'.

global table

The global table contains configuration settings that affect the site (library) as a whole. For example, the library name, banner image, etc. The global table contains the following columns:

login table

The login table contains login, password & report access information for staff & volunteers. It has 5 columns:

program table

The program table contains configuration options for individual programs. It contains the following columns:

Program database

The program database contains ReadingRecord configuration settings & data for a specific program:

The program database has 10 tables:

ReadingRecord uses 1 program database per configured program (maximum 6). In general, the program database(s) are named using part or all of the hostname portion of the URL, same as the config DB. For example, if the URL is, the program DB for program 1 would be 'wpl_1', the program DB for program 2 would be 'wpl_2', and so on.

age table

The age table is used to create the age drop-down list. It must be populated when tracking by age (config.program.useAge=1).

city table

The city table is used to create the city drop-down list. It must be populated when tracking by city (config.program.useCity=1).

gender table

The gender table is used to create the gender drop-down list. It must be populated when tracking by gender (config.program.useGender=1).

grade table

The grade table is used to create the grade drop-down list. It must be populated when tracking by grade (config.program.useGrade=1).

level table

The level table is used to populate the completed levels checkboxes & prize instructions. While levels are not strictly required, you will need at least one to generate level statistics and to use the random drawing feature.

library table

The library table is used to create the home library drop-down list. It must be populated when tracking by library (config.program.useLibrary=1).

reader table

The reader table contains data about registered readers and is updated by ReadingRecord. It contains the following columns (fields):

record table

The record table contains data about completed levels (reading records, if you will ;-)) and is updated by ReadingRecord. It contains the following columns (fields):

school table

The school table is used to create the school drop-down list. It must be populated when tracking by school (config.program.useSchool=1).

zipcode table

The zipcode table is used to create the zipcode drop-down list. It must be populated when tracking by zipcode (config.program.useZipcode=1).


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