Demo site info

A demo site is available for those wanting to give ReadingRecord a test drive. The demo library has 3 programs enabled: kids, teens & adults. Here is an overview of each program


The kids program tracks some basic information about each reader, including:

  • Home library
  • First & last name
  • Age
  • Gender (boy or girl)
  • City
  • School info
  • Guardian name & barcode
  • Guardian phone. Note: The phone number field is required but since many children don't have phones the default phone number field has been moved to the guardian section & the label has been changed.

Additionally it also collects the following information:

  • A checkbox to determine if this is the first time the reader has participated in the summer reading program.
  • A Yes / No / Don't know drop-down asking if the reader attends storytime at the library.
  • A consent checkbox giving the library permission to collect the information.

The staff module also includes a checkbox that indicates if the reader was given information about storytime.

Finally the kids program uses the standard checkbox to mark a level as complete. The levels have prize information for staff.


The Teens program tracks some basic information about each reader, including:

  • Home library
  • First & last name
  • Phone number
  • Age
  • City
  • E-mail address (optional)
  • Grade
  • School

Additionally it also collects the following information:

  • A checkbox to indicate if the library may contact the reader by e-mail.
  • A Yes / No / Tell me more drop-down that asks if they are a member of the teen club.

The way teen levels are tracked is different than the kids program. Each level has a drop-down list to indicate which task was completed. The grand prize drawing has a drop-down list to indicate which prize they want if their name is chosen. Additionally there's a set of bonus levels with a different set of prizes available. In this case the tasks are the same as the first bingo round but they could be different.

Since this method of level tracking is a bit more complex here's how the corresponding spreadsheet tab (tab 17-Levels) would be filled out: Demo Library Teen levels setup spreadsheet


The Adults program tracks some basic information about each reader, including:

  • Home library
  • First & last name
  • Phone number
  • Age group, including “prefer not to answer”
  • Gender
  • City
  • E-mail address (optional)
  • Library barcode (required since some levels need a valid library account to complete)

The following information is also collected:

  • The default school field has been relabeled “Education level”.
  • There's a drop-down list asking how often the patron visits the library.
  • There's a text box asking the patron to describe the library in one word.

Since the theme of the adult program is “Explore Your Library” the levels are tasks to be completed. Each level has a drop-down list to indicate which task was completed. The grand prize drawing level indicates which prize the patron wants if they win.

Since this method of level tracking is a bit more complex here's how the corresponding spreadsheet tab (tab 17-Levels) would be filled out: Demo Library Adult levels setup spreadsheet

Demo site access

info/demo_site_info.txt (9349 views) · Last modified: 2019/01/29 19:34 by esisler