Options for running ReadingRecord

Options for running ReadingRecord at your library

  • Special offer for libraries in Colorado: The Colorado State Library is sponsoring the use of ReadingRecord. In order to promote reading programs of all kinds, including the 1,000 books before Kindergarten project, the CSL is offering the following:
    • Libraries WITHOUT dedicated IT staff can use ReadingRecord free of charge to track reading program participation, including 1,000 books before Kindergarten. This offer is limited to the first 20 libraries to sign-up, so get your request in soon.
    • Libraries WITH dedicated IT staff can get $50 off the regular price of $150/year to track reading program participation, also including 1,000 books before Kindergarten. There is no limit to the number of libraries that can take advantage of this offer.
    • Many thanks to Beth Crist at the Colorado State Library for making this happen!
  • Download & run ReadingRecord for yourself: Please note, this is not a task to be undertaken lightly. ReadingRecord is designed to be a hosted solution, meaning that a single site can host many libraries. As such, it requires some expertise to get up & running. In particular, familiarity with the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP) is essential. Please see the documentation.
  • Join an organization already hosting ReadingRecord. My hope (and vision) is that some larger libraries will elect to host ReadingRecord for their state/region, as the Westminster Public Library did for Colorado from 2008 - 2014. Depending on the situation, I may donate my time or charge a modest fee to help these hosting sites get ReadingRecord up and running. If your organization is interested in hosting ReadingRecord for your state/region, please contact me.
  • Contract with me to host ReadingRecord for your library. I charge a yearly fee of $150 to cover the cost of setup, hosting, Internet connectivity and to (hopefully) inspire me to develop new features. If your library cannot afford this modest fee, please contact me & we'll haggle. ;-)
  • NOTE: If your regional or state library is interested in sponsoring the use of ReadingRecord in your area, please have them contact me to work out a deal.
info/options_for_running_readingrecord.txt (4816 views) · Last modified: 2016/02/02 12:26 by esisler