Project Announcement

From:      Eric Sisler <>
Subject:   Announce: Web-based Summer Reading Program application
Date:      Wed, 13 Feb 2008 10:30:18 -0700

Please excuse any cross-postings.

Does your library need a better way to track Summer Reading Program

ReadingRecord is a web-based application for libraries to track Summer
Reading Program participants. It is a free, hosted service, meaning that
no additional equipment or special knowledge is required to use
ReadingRecord. Although aimed primarily at reading programs for Children
and Young Adults, it can be used for Adult programs as well.

We are currently seeking a small number of pilot group libraries
interested in participating for 2008. If you are interested or would
like to find out more, please visit:

If you have questions about ReadingRecord not answered by the website or
are interested in being part of the pilot group, please e-mail Eric
Sisler at the address below.


The ReadingRecord Team

ReadingRecord is brought to you by:

 * The Westminster Public Library
 * Douglas County Libraries
info/project_announcement.txt (2929 views) · Last modified: 2008/02/22 14:56 by esisler