Project Status

Update forms Finished Update setup form for 2020.
Update copyright info In progress Update copyright info for 2020.
Refresh Wiki In progress Update pages for 2020.
Add stats to wiki In progress Add 2019 stats to the wiki.
Add “test mode” Add “test / staging mode” banner.
Change version control system Migrate from Subversion to Git.
Test code on CentOS-8 Test code & update as necessary for CentOS-8.
Migrate production servers Migrate production servers to CentOS-8.
Test DB mirroring Test real-time mirroring of databases.
Update documentation Update documentation for new LAMP stack & RR version.
Change links to buttons Change some links to buttons, improve wording of “track” button.
Improve reporting speed Rewrite SQL statements used to generate reports to improve speed for large amounts of data.
Fix session cookies Session cookies occasionally time out when many staff are logged in, requiring re-authentication.
Site host info Add “this site hosted by” to page footers.
Reports & CSV output Use customized field labels for reports & CSV exports.
Use custom labels on reports Use custom field labels on report headers.
Display “date updated” Display “date updated” field on staff registration screen.
Add field defaults Allow some fields to have a default value.

2019 Changes & Improvements

Update forms Finished Update setup form for 2019.
Update copyright info Finished Update copyright info for 2019.
Refresh Wiki Finished Update pages for 2019.
Update demo site Finished Update demo site to reflect new features.
Investigate new code editor Finished Switch from Komodo Edit to Coda.
Add stats to wiki Finished Add 2018 stats to the wiki.
Migrate customer data to Xataface Finished

2018 Changes & Improvements

Change SSL certificate provider Finished
Simplify phone input Finished Allow phone numbers to be input in a variety of formats.
Add new level tracking feature Finished Track which prize was given / task completed per level.
Add new level tracking data to CSV export Finished
Update forms Finished Update setup form for 2018.
Export 2018 site config Finished Export 2018 site config to make 2019 setup easier for everyone.

2017 Changes & Improvements

Update forms Finished Update setup form for 2017.
Change hosting provider Finished Change VPS host.
Export 2017 site config Finished Export 2017 site config to make 2018 setup easier for everyone.

2016 Changes & Improvements

Update forms Finished Update setup form for 2016.

Note: 2016 was very busy for me (and went by way to fast), so ReadingRecord remained mostly as-is.

2015 Changes & Improvements

Update forms Finished Update setup form to reflect new options.
Add “self-service” feature Postponed Limited interest in this feature.
Remove ()'s from registration index Finished Remove extra parens from self-registration index page when the program range field is not used.
Update CSV export Finished Add data from new fields to CSV export.

2014 Changes & Improvements

Migrate to new LAMP stack Finished Migrate to CentOS 6.x & corresponding LAMP versions.
Customized field order Finished Allow fields to be displayed in any order.
Add custom checkbox Finished Will display on self-registration & staff screen.
Add custom drop-down Finished Will display on self-registration & staff screen.
Add custom text box Finished Will display on self-registration & staff screen.
Add staff custom checkbox Finished Will display on staff screen only.
Add staff custom drop-down Finished Will display on staff screen only.
Add staff custom text box Finished Will display on staff screen only.
Freeze DB schema Finished Freeze the database design so setup forms & demo sites can be updated.
Update demo sites Finished Update demo sites to showcase new features.
Update forms Finished Update setup & customization forms to reflect new options.
Add reports Finished Add built-in reports for new fields.
Update CSV export Finished Add data from new fields to CSV export.

2013 Changes & Improvements

Task Progress Notes
Add timezone support Finished Add support for when library is in a different timezone than the server.
Label customization Finished Allow all section & field labels to be customized.
Add guardian fields Finished Add guardian name, phone, e-mail & barcode fields.
Add gender field Finished
Add DOB field Finished Will be a fill-in-the blank field for 2013.
Add consent checkbox Finished “I agree to let the library collect this information” checkbox & info.
Cleanup file locations Finished Cleanup file & directory locations to make distribution, installation & upgrades easier.
Set fields as optional or required Finished When enabled, allow fields to be optional or required.
Update search page Finished Add guardian name to search page.
Export consent field Finished Add consent field to CSV exports.

2012 Changes & Improvements

Task Progress Notes
Improve reporting speed Moved to 2013 Rewrite SQL statements used to generate reports to improve speed for large amounts of data.
Fix session cookies Moved to 2013 Session cookies occasionally time out when many staff are logged in, requiring re-authentication.
Add timezone support Moved to 2013 Add support for when library is in a different timezone than the server. RR won't be available outside Colorado in 2012, so no need for this feature yet.

2011 Changes & Improvements

No changes & improvements were made in 2011 as I was in the process of determining if ReadingRecord could be released as open source software and how to make that happen.

2010 Changes & Improvements

Task Progress Notes
Duplicate checking between programs Finished Check for duplicate registrations between programs (optional).
Rename programs Finished Rename program IDs as number & customize labels/pages via config variables.
Increase number of programs Finished Increase the maximum number of programs per library from 3 to 6.
Move config to DB Finished Move configuration variables to database.
Increase field size Finished Increase the size of various fields (grade, age, level, etc).
Increase DB size Finished Increase the maximum number of records each table can hold, in particular the participant & completed levels. Currently sufficient for most sites, a bit larger won't hurt.
Add level count to CSV Finished Add completed levels count to readers CSV output.
Add record ID to CSV Skipped Add record ID to completed levels CSV output. Not sure this is actually useful, skipping for 2010.
Add barcode search Finished Add barcode search to staff menu when barcode field is used.
Improve reporting speed Moved to 2011 Rewrite SQL statements used to generate reports to improve speed for large amounts of data.
Fix session cookies Moved to 2011 Session cookies occasionally time out when many staff are logged in, requiring re-authentication.
Add barcode to key Skipped Make the barcode part of the “uniqueness” of each record (OPTIONAL). No further interest in this feature, skipping for 2010.
Add library to random drawing Finished Select which library branch(es) to include when using the random drawing feature.
Add timezone support Skipped Add support for when library is in a different timezone than the server. RR won't be available outside Colorado in 2010, so no need for this feature yet.
Move reports Finished Move report to separate page to keep main staff menu clean. Hide disabled reports.
Restrict access to reports Finished Restrict reports access to specific logins.

2009 Changes & Improvements

Task Progress Notes
Move mailing list Finished Mailman server disbanded, mailing list moved to a Google Group.
Revise setup/customization forms Finished Update forms to include new configuration options.
Staff notes field Finished Ran out of time to implement in the 2008 version.
Simplify DB access Finished Use a single MySQL account per site for DB access.
Simplify program graphics Finished Find an easier way to handle resizing program graphics.
Per-site phone number configuration Finished Allow phone number field to be customized to include/exclude area code.
Add “no phone number” message Finished Add error message explaining what phone number to use if the patron doesn't have or doesn't want to give out their phone number. (All zeros or???)
Phone number field instructions Finished Added formatting instructions to the field label. Pre-populating the field with brief instructions or examples doesn't always display well & requires deletion of the info before entering the phone number.
Pre-populate phone number field with area code Finished
Allow registrations to be deleted Finished Allow staff to delete duplicate/bad registrations. Also check & delete associated levels.
Copy registration Finished Allow staff to copy an existing registration. This would be useful when registering many members of the same family.
Toggle between update & track Finished Allow staff to toggle between update & track after searching. This can currently be done by updating the registration or completed levels, but it would be nice to be able to do so without requiring an update.
Random drawing Finished Add a feature to select a random reader for prize drawings, etc.
Customize field labels Finished Per-site customization of field labels, eg: upcoming grade instead of last grade attended, etc.
Customize program names on staff menu Finished Label for staff shortcuts to [Add][Update][Track] should use program name instead of being hard-coded.
Require valid registration for level completion Finished Require the registration to be validated before levels can be marked as complete. Have options for require, warn, auto, ignore?
Export data to CSV file. Finished Manual export required for 2008. Add code to generate downloadable file.

2008 First Version


Task Progress Notes
Count of all readers. Finished Available from the staff main menu.
Count of all completed levels. Finished Available from the staff main menu.
Count of readers by library. Finished
Count of completed levels by library. Finished
List of all registered readers. Finished
Count of validated & unvalidated readers. Finished
Count of completed levels by level & library. Finished
Count of readers by age. Finished
Count of readers by city. Finished
Count of readers by zipcode. Finished
Count of readers by grade. Finished
Count of readers by school. Finished
Count of completed levels by age. Finished
Count of completed levels by city. Finished
Count of completed levels by zipcode. Finished
Count of completed levels by grade. Finished
Count of completed levels by school. Finished
Export data to CSV file. Finished Not quite “user-friendly” for 2008, a data export must be requested.
Import data to spreadsheet. Finished Importing CSV files to MS Excel or Open Office is quite easy.

Staff Functions

Task Progress Notes
Create staff login & logout pages. Finished
Track staff login/session with cookie. Finished
Create staff main index page. Finished
Create CSS file for staff pages. Finished
Create “Search” form. Finished
Create “New Registration” form. Finished
Create “Update Registration” form. Finished
Create “Track Completed Levels” form. Finished
Deny duplicate registrations/updates. Finished Redirect to error page if a duplicate registration is entered/updated.

Patron Functions

Task Progress Notes
Create index page with program graphics. Finished
Create CSS file for patron pages. Finished
Create patron self-registration form. Finished
Validate all fields on self-registration form. Finished Text fields, drop-down fields, etc.
Allow self-registration during program only. Finished Early self-registration can also be allowed.
Deny duplicate registrations. Finished Redirect to error page if a duplicate registration is entered.

General Tasks

Task Progress Notes
Choose & register a domain name. Finished “” chosen & purchased.
Create a ReadingRecord logo graphic. Finished
Create a ReadingRecord favicon graphic. Finished
Configure DNS servers. Finished Internal & external DNS servers up & running.
Create a server to host the project. Finished LAMP environment hosted on VMware.
Create a Wiki for the project. Finished DokuWiki installed & configured. Adding & updating content is ongoing.
Create a mailing list for the project. Finished Added new mailing list to existing mailman server.
Design database schema. Finished
Select development tools. Finished Komodo for PHP development & phpMyAdmin for MySQL database administration.
Select a version control system. Finished Subversion used to track changes in PHP code, CSS files, etc.
Create a development environment. Finished Apache virtual host for “dev” & “devtest” development websites.
Create a testing environment. Finished Apache virtual host for “library1” & “library2” testing websites.
Create setup/customization forms. Finished
Create a live environment Finished Apache virtual host for live sites.
info/project_status.txt (16611 views) · Last modified: 2020/01/06 18:48 by esisler