Data may be exported to CSV (Comma Separated Value) format, suitable for import into Open Office, MS Excel or other spreadsheet application.
The following fields are included in the reader data export:
Field | Info |
reader_id | System assigned reader ID. |
last_name | Last name. |
first_name | First name. |
phone | Phone number. |
completed_levels | Count of completed levels. |
library_desc | Library description. |
age_desc | Age description. |
bdate | Birthdate (free-form text). |
gender_desc | Gender description. |
city_desc | City description. |
zipcode_desc | Zipcode description. |
E-mail address. | |
barcode | The reader's library barcode. |
grade_desc | Grade description. |
school_desc | School description. |
date_added | Date the registration was added. |
date_updated | Date the registration was updated. |
date_validated | Date the registration was validated. |
reg_ip | The IP address of the computer where the registration was entered. |
reg_form | The form used for initial registration (self or staff). |
staff_notes | Notes to/from staff about the reader. |
guardian_first_name | Guardian's first name. |
guardian_last_name | Guardian's last name. |
guardian_phone | Guardian's phone. |
guardian_email | Guardian's e-mail address. |
guardian_barcode | Guardian's library barcode. |
consent | Consent checkbox (0 or 1). |
public_checkbox | Public checkbox (0 or 1). |
public_dropdown_desc | Public drop-down description. |
public_textbox | Public text box. |
staff_checkbox | Staff checkbox (0 or 1). |
staff_dropdown_desc | Staff drop-down description. |
staff_textbox | Staff text box. |
The following fields are included in the completed level (record) data export:
Field | Info |
reader_id | System assigned reader ID. |
last_name | Last name. |
first_name | First name. |
phone | Phone number. |
level_desc | Completed level description. |
level_detail | Which prize was given / task completed / etc for the level. |
date_completed | Date the level was completed. |
library_desc | Library description. |
age_desc | Age description. |
bdate | Birthdate (free-form text). |
gender_desc | Gender description. |
city_desc | City description. |
zipcode_desc | Zipcode description. |
E-mail address. | |
barcode | The reader's library barcode. |
grade_desc | Grade description. |
school_desc | School description. |
date_added | Date the registration was added. |
date_updated | Date the registration was updated. |
date_validated | Date the registration was validated. |
reg_ip | The IP address of the computer where the registration was entered. |
reg_form | The form used for initial registration (self or staff). |
staff_notes | Notes to/from staff about the reader. |
guardian_first_name | Guardian's first name. |
guardian_last_name | Guardian's last name. |
guardian_phone | Guardian's phone. |
guardian_email | Guardian's e-mail address. |
guardian_barcode | Guardian's library barcode. |
consent | Consent checkbox (0 or 1). |
public_checkbox | Public checkbox (0 or 1). |
public_dropdown_desc | Public drop-down description. |
public_textbox | Public text box. |
staff_checkbox | Staff checkbox (0 or 1). |
staff_dropdown_desc | Staff drop-down description. |
staff_textbox | Staff text box. |
The data is exported in CSV (comma separated values) format, which can be easily imported into MS Excel, Open Office and other spreadsheet programs. Once imported, you can delete unused fields, change the field order, extract e-mail addresses, create graphs & charts, etc. You can then use the data to create quick lists/counts of specific records. For example: “How many readers who are 10 years old & attended Coyote Ridge school completed level 2?” For MS Excel (2000 & 2003) & Open Office (2.x):