
Feature list

  • A cloud (hosted) service. No server hardware/software, technical knowledge or IT support staff are required. Libraries with the requisite technical skill may also download & run ReadingRecord on their own server.
  • Participants can register online, reducing staff time.
  • The library can allow patrons to register before the program starts, alleviating some of the “first day” rush.
  • An online system reduces the number of duplicate registrations, giving staff a more accurate count of program participation.
  • Tracks the number of levels each participant has completed:
    • Tracks any number of levels & prizes.
    • Use to provide statistics to the state library.
    • Use to order prizes for the next year.
    • Use to track participants who registered but never completed a level.
  • Field labels can be customized.
  • Field order can be customized.
  • Simultaneous access for patrons, staff & volunteers using a web browser.
  • “Random drawing” feature allows staff to pick random participants for bonus prizes.
  • Data can be exported to CSV files for import into spreadsheet applications like MS Excel & Open Office.

Information collected

The database contains the following information about each participant:

  • A unique participant ID, similar to a library barcode. Used primarily when updating a record.
  • The date the record was added to the database.
  • The date the record was last updated.
  • The IP address of the computer used to register the participant.
  • The participant's first & last names.
  • The participant's phone number.
  • The participant's e-mail address.
  • The participant's library barcode.
  • The participant's age.
  • The participant's birthdate.
  • The participant's gender.
  • The participant's grade.
  • The participant's school.
  • The participant's city.
  • The participant's zipcode.
  • The participant's home library.
  • The date the participant's registration was validated by library staff. This normally involves double-checking the fields above & handing the patron an informational packet / reading record.
  • The guardian's name.
  • The guardian's phone number.
  • The guardian's e-mail address.
  • The guardian's library barcode.
  • An “I give the library permission to collect this information” checkbox.

NOTE: Most fields above are optional. During initial configuration, the library can choose which field(s) to use.

Additionally, the database contains the following information about each completed reading record:

  • The ID of the participant who completed the record.
  • The level completed.
  • The date the level was completed.

NOTE: The “level” field can be re-labeled and used to track a different program style. Some examples include:

  • Level
  • Book
  • Pages
  • Hours read

Statistical reports

The following statistical reports are currently available, most include sub-totals by library branch & and system-wide total:

  • Count of all readers.
  • Count of all completed levels (records).
  • List of all registered readers.
  • Count of validated & unvalidated readers by library.
  • Count of readers by library.
  • Count of readers by age.
  • Count of readers by city.
  • Count of readers by zipcode.
  • Count of readers by grade.
  • Count of readers by school.
  • Count of completed levels (records) by library.
  • Count of completed levels (records) by level and library.
  • Count of completed levels (records) by age.
  • Count of completed levels (records) by city.
  • Count of completed levels (records) by zipcode.
  • Count of completed levels (records) by grade.
  • Count of completed levels (records) by school.

For the status of additional reports, see the project status page.

info/features.txt (4814 views) · Last modified: 2014/02/05 22:06 by esisler