Table of Contents


Here you'll find documentation about running your own ReadingRecord server. I recommend following the documentation in the order listed here. Even if you are familiar with a particular task, a quick review is in order so you don't miss any ReadingRecord specific tasks. If you have any questions or suggestions for improvement, please e-mail me. Thanks & enjoy!

A Request From The Developer

ReadingRecord is one of my pet projects. While I have spent a fair amount of work time on it, I have also spent (and continue to spend) countless hours of my own time developing, supporting & improving it.

If you are running your own ReadingRecord server and/or hosting one for a group of libraries, please, please, please consider:



Getting a ReadingRecord server up & running can be an intimidating task. It is not your typical MS “point, click & install” software, nor is it ever likely to be. In part this is due to the ReadingRecord design philosophy:

At some point in the (distant) future, the initial setup & configuration may become easier. For now, I continue to concentrate on features & ease of use.

The Documentation

I have done my best to make the initial draft of documentation useful without being mind-numbingly complicated. It will continue to evolve (and hopefully improve!) as time permits & feedback is received. I suspect those of you reading this documentation will fall into one of three categories:

Again, I recommend reading the documentation in the following order:

  1. Database schema information: A wealth of information about the databases used by ReadingRecord, with examples.

Help For The Lost

If you have read the documentation and are hopelessly lost, fear not! There are a number of possibilities for help:


Next: Basic System Requirements for Hosting ReadingRecord